
I am Vatsalya Yadav. Rendering Engineer and Gameplay Programmer.

Currently pursuing Master of Science in Computer Science at DigiPen Institute of Technology with a concentration in Graphics/Rendering.

I work on various aspects of game development ranging from creating Rendering Pipelines, Tools, Low Level Optimizations and Gameplay Programming.


“Krystopia” is a captivating journey into a realm of wonder, originally conceptualized and developed on Unity3D and available on PC and Nintendo Switch.

“Shakes on a Plane” is a chaotic co-op shaking game for one to four players. Flying on various planes with your flight crew, serve up a variety of tasty shakes, burgers, fries and many more dishes before the plane lands on the airport and your passengers rate your services. Available to play on PC and Switch.

“The Innsmouth Case” is a text adventure game inspired by H.P. Lovecraft and the very first text-based adventure to combine horror and comedy in a fit and proper way. Available to play on PC and Switch.


A standard Two-Pass Deferred Shading Algorithm to fix the problems with Forward Rendering Techniques where we are able to render numerous point lights in the scene.

Moment Shadow Mapping is a novel technique for fast, filtered hard shadows.

The project aims to implement Monte-Carlo algorithm with History Tracking for each frame using Selective Weighed Bi-linear Interpolation and finally implement a À-Trous denoising to remove noise from the generated frames.

RadianceX is a small simple ray tracer using raw power of the CPU to deliver a brute-force ray tracing solution. Designed with a core focus on authenticity and detail, this engine meticulously simulates the behavior of light rays as they interact with various materials and shapes, rendering to images.


Dodge Brawl is a 2D Competitive Couch Co-op Platformer Sport game created in a Custom Game Engine.

An immersive VR experience meticulously crafted to replicate the quintessential carnival games we all know and love. Engineered with precision in Unreal Engine 4.


Graphics/Rendering Engineer

Gameplay/Tools Engineer

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